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  • CONTROLTEK Unveils New RF EAS System for Retailers

    September 7, 2021
    CONTROLTEK, a leader in the retail loss prevention technology space, has added a new RF system to its CT360 line of agnostic EAS solutions. CONTROLTEK’s new RF system, SRF, offers high-performing tag detection in a sleek yet durable design.
  • CONTROLTEK Supports LPF by Advancing Sponsorship to Doctoral Level

    October 7, 2020
    MATTHEWS, NC – October 7, 2020 – The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) announced that CONTROLTEK has advanced its partnership to become the newest Doctorate level scholarship partner. CONTROLTEK has been a bachelor level partner and supporter of the LPF and with their commitment to becoming a Doctorate level partner they are continuing to set an example to the industry regarding the importance of continued education. The Doctorate level partnership secures numerous certification course scholarships as well as, complimentary LPF memberships for CONTROLTEK to distribute to Loss Prevention professionals.